new year greeting by tsoknyi rinpoche

We survived 2012, and the world didn’t end! What a relief! Finally we can relax, and I hope in this coming year we will all increasingly become healthy human beings.

According to dharma, every day is a new day and each day can be used in a meaningful way. Just as every day can be used meaningfully, each year can be used in a meaningful way. The new year time is an opportunity to contemplate and reflect on this. Think about how to use this coming year, how to make it meaningful. Learning to appreciate each day is the basis for the teachings on the precious human life.

A year, after all, is just a collection of months. A month is a collection of days. A day is a collection of hours. An hour is a collection of minutes. So how we are going to spend our year depends on how we live each moment, each breath, each heartbeat. So I want you to take care of each moment, each breath, each heartbeat. Take care of the present moment. If you want to make this year a positive one, use each moment well. If you want to change, you have to transform this present moment. Then the change will take place properly, as we learn to live each moment properly.

My best wishes for a new year full of dharma, transformation and taking good care of this precious human life.

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