阿嬷bye bye











我再对她微笑,情感哽到喉处,也说不出话了。亲爱的阿嬷辛苦了,但是她好像都能take it。我尝试微笑,想表达我不懂得言语的疼惜。

“thank you for everything you have done for me, 阿嬷。thank you for loving me, please be without a care.”














阿嬷built a tribe out of what time she had. She made the best out of conditions drawing out each and every inch of energy and wisdom she had. And she did it without a care, not seeing it like sacrifice or giving. She led by example and showed us what she could do and what life can be, even in dire circumstances. My grandpa left her early. But in the most of situations, she took it upon herself, she accepted it all and moved with the rhythms of life.

She was not fearful of death. When she found out that she had cancer a few years back, she rose above it and decided there was to be no surgery.

Even when she was recently taken really ill, her fighting spirit and life force was beyond strong.

阿嬷’s life was rich, fruitful and inspiring. She stuck by her guns and her principles till the end. Not once giving in and giving up.

阿嬷’s children learned from her and staked it out like her and made it good like her.

Self made. The best that one can be.

This great lady is a wonder woman who has inspired me and taught me——–with her life, to live with strength.

Granny had a life well lived. She’s had it played out this way because she believed n never gave up, this was till the end. We saw how she made her life blossom. And like every event, conditions are ripe and this is yet another blossom she exemplifies. As her offspring, we are deeply attached and we’ll use what she will like to see to send her off on her last journey.

In a way that celebrates her and her life.








How beautiful

Zazen means only sitting. It means dropping away anything extra to your breathing, the air on your face, the weight of your body, the subtle energy in your hands, the intimate sounds of lungs, heart, and belly, the sudden cry of a bird, the coming and the going of thoughts and half thoughts, feelings and sensations. None require anything beyond your steady, unpresuming attention.

Wonderfully, there are no steps, guidelines, bullet points or blueprints for this state of resting the mind in what is. I love the way Zen’s generous but challenging gift to us stays almost completely silent on method—as silent as the mind free of constructs and narratives of self. Instead, zazen honors direct, ordinary experience, moment by moment, as the path itself.



6 Yrs 2 mths

小不点,好像有点大不点的样子了。周五,Mommy最期待就是准时在午餐时候下班,赶搭巴士去接皓皓,然后去Great World City去午餐。再去接姐姐下课。



带皓皓沁芝去香格里拉的indoor playground。然后去吃两人喜欢的cedele,重点是vegan matcha chocolate cake


也超爱吃的。最近买了一些好棒的vegan dairy free零食。大家不亦乐乎。因为姐姐皓皓都不适合吃dairy,所以特地买不含奶的零食,让小瓜们吃。现在两人已经学会拥抱vegan、dairy free食品。



我们原本要在20日这一天去请公公吃饭,但是祖母不舒服我们临时取消。皓皓和姐姐回到marine crescent帮公公唱生日歌

在这之前,庚延舅舅到The Open Centre接载皓皓沁芝,然后带皓皓沁芝回到他家,教皓皓冲凉。带两人去吃饭。再把两人载回到redhill


是啊,皓皓都好乖。so proud of qinzhi n haohao!

享受和皓皓在床上聊天一起睡觉的时候。比如昨天,皓皓这么说:” mom, how did u get my name?”

我说:“I went to this uncle with his birthdate n time, n the uncle gave me a list of his names n i picked this because it means having light n eveytime he is around he brightens the place n pple up.”

问皓皓,喜不喜欢怀皓这个名字?他说:“yes, i do, i feel very proud of my name。”


10 Years 1 Month




在Uncle John的帮助下,沁芝的情况一天天好转起来。Mommy的心里压力递减了许多。



3月9日,带沁芝去看Uncle John,他花了很多时间跟我们说,孩子的世界,就是大人的世界。孩子反映大人的世界。并且提了许多个重点。基本信息是,大人和睦,小孩才和睦。

9 Mar 2019

  1. Use 8 Feb protocol
  2. add Mighty Pro-probiotic that converts food nonsense to nutrients, to ground her
  3. For 2 weeks: -(a) Toe vitaflex with V6 and same oils: Massage from the heart; Hold her leg, cross your hands, calm her down for 30s (b)Raindrop  (c)Word of encouragement-how much you love her, positive words, affirmation 
  4. Recreate who you are so you recreate her reality. Help her to create her own, she’s taking her time to develop her character thru parents (We are cocreating reality: when you change yourself, everything around you changes. What you perceive you conceive : change the way qinzhi conceive and perceive), . Up our assurance. Kids are very reactive, they are a mirror of our subconscious, they are very precise. We are shaping her world. Kids fr 3-7 yrs, live in subconscious, they react and absorb. Recreate who you are so you recreate her reality.  Learn how to create what you want. The more you affirm the more you show up.一念三千
  5. After 2 weeks: 3rd week reduce morning dosage by half: keep this for 3 weeks
  6. 4th week: Dosage becomes morning half night half: keep for 3 weeks then half again
  7. Home Energy: she needs a more happy, fun, laid back mood in the house
  8. 1 week later: come back to Natalie to bridge and support.

Plant Oils/EOs work on 3 levels like a tuning fork, every oil has a different vibration, they are symphonic and multi level, when you use and shower, tune you up like acupuncture : body/heart/spirit (awaken the person, sharp acute sensory)

We are all ONE, expressing in different ways and creating different experiences

Food as Medicine

Evidence based

这一天,放学以后,带沁芝皓皓去香格里拉的indoor playground

然后去吃cedele,还有两人很喜欢的vegan matcha chocolate cake

学校假期的第一天,终于带沁芝皓皓去了St Regis Staycaytion。沁芝好期待。



mommy听Uncle John的话,不断的赞美沁芝,让沁芝show up for herself。似乎相当管用。可以确定的是,能够有这个staycay的机会不是偶然。所以特别珍惜。






Alain Passard

I learned so many things speaking to Alain Passard. Or just listening to him. Like when his eyes twinkle and his body comes alive telling me about feeling creativity in the air.

You feel it with him. That is one most amazing interview I have been blessed enough to experience. Writing about it now makes my cells jump with joy. Its the best thing I can give to my body. Chefs, passion, feelings like these heal me.

Like when he tells me, he’s achieved all this with his hands and fingers and these are the most precious to him—How many things have we given thanks to ourselves? our body?

Like when he says, “: “The only thing left to do when you are afraid to take risks is nothing.” 
When I asked if it was too risky a move to take away dishes which won him stars.

Like when he tells me, 20 years later he is still trying to make sense of the decision he made 20 years ago. And this version above, he clapped for the interview he had. And said, this is the best interview he has had.

My story here: https://guide.michelin.com/sg/people/video-alain-passard-one-cook-two-lives/news


Healing XXXXXvii











我跟老师提到我们沟通的问题,老师提议也鼓励我用另一种方式,换一个角度去思考如何deliver一个message,让对方可以接受。并且听得懂。比如,假设自己不是妻子不是母亲的时候,会怎么说?比如了解对方的情绪,不要再火上加油。知道对方上火,懂得说:I can see that you r v angry,能够快速降温。





老师鼓励我把心目中对authority的想法写下来。My idea of authority is…..然后不时拿出来看。做清楚的对照。知道了就要hold住energy,做authority应该做的事。

My idea of authority is, someone who knows a lot about a certain thing, including great knowledge, wisdom, connections and networks about a certain field.

My idea of authority is someone who has contributed greatly to a certain field.

My idea of authority is also someone who can affect the industry in a certain way. And to be able to create or seed changes.



那天带沁芝去看John,他花了许多时间跟我们说了很多。重点是,沁芝需要more happy, fun, laid back mood in the house。他说,小孩的世界还在建构的过程当中,小孩的世界脱胎自大人的世界。所以大人要做的是:

  1. Recreate who you are so you recreate her reality. Help her to create her own, she’s taking her time to develop her character thru parents (We are cocreating reality: when you change yourself, everything around you changes. What you perceive you conceive : change the way qinzhi conceive and perceive), . Up our assurance. Kids are very reactive, they are a mirror of our subconscious, they are very precise. We are shaping her world. Kids fr 3-7 yrs, live in subconscious, they react and absorb. Recreate who you are so you recreate her reality.  Learn how to create what you want. The more you affirm the more you show up.一念三千
  2. After 2 weeks: 3rd week reduce morning dosage by half: keep this for 3 weeks
  3. 4th week: Dosage becomes morning half night half: keep for 3 weeks then half again
  4. Home Energy:
  5. 1 week later: come back to Natalie to bridge and support.









问John的意见,他冥想的样子,仿佛想感受什么,然后说:“There’s a lot of tension in your body and when there is tension, your body gets inflamed and the soft tissue flares up, but you are alright. You are so much better when i first saw you. “

Get back to the knowing.



A Practice of Kindness for the Self

  • Close your eyes, grounding yourself on your seat. Make sure you are fully supported and your feet are placed firmly on the ground.
  • Become aware of the breath permeating your body. Imagine it to be a spray clearing the toxins from your heart.
  • After a minute try to visualize looking back at yourself, or see yourself in a beautiful place that you enjoy. Or just silently call your name. Remember to breathe.
  • After another minute say to yourself, “May I be happy,” then breathe and acknowledge how this feels. Then say, “May I be well,” then breathe and acknowledge how this feels. Then say, “May I be kind toward my suffering,” then breathe.
  • Allow yourself to sit in stillness with whatever arises. After a few minutes say, “May I cultivate more kindness within my heart. May I cultivate more peace within my heart. May I continue to develop and grow.”
  • Continue to recite these phrases, leaving a minute or two between each, staying connected with yourself all the time.
  • After ten minutes bring the practice to an end.

The full story here: https://www.lionsroar.com/a-practice-for-nourishing-yourself/?fbclid=IwAR0z-_lImgZDIiYiHHo7ooC7MCmblsdAv_bZfbZwN8YgNx_WAGvs3kkHVAA


May I be kind to myself in this Moment

  1. Put both hands on your heart, pause, and feel their warmth. You can also put your hand anyplace on your body that feels soothing and comforting, like your belly or face.
  2. Breathe deeply in and out.
  3. Speak these words to yourself, out loud or silently, in a warm and caring tone:

This is a moment of suffering.
Suffering is a part of life.
May I be kind to myself in this moment.
May I give myself the compassion I need.

The full article here.
