How to keep a child’s purity?

It’s another amazing art lesson.
The teacher wants me to do a piece on my pregnancy n I did a tree, anchored on solid ground, with green crownna centre yellow light to signify wisdom.

The surroundings had all the different colours of the palette but it shone with bright yellow.

I told the teacher, that I had wished for a baby boy who could help deliver, to help people transcend.

In that, I prayed for a child with wisdom.
I guess I was affected by the goodness of the people I met along the most difficult times of my life.

I felt they were truly great beings each inspirational in their own right.

I wished I could mother someone like that, who could offer help n wisdom to help people 渡过。

I was talking about the second chance I was given too, to enjoy the process of pregnancy, to right my body ailments in confinement. More so, to b a mother to my children, to have the chance to bathe them from young. Grow with them from young.

To b aware of positively nurturing them from the time they r in my womb.

Teacher commented about me having expectations n related how she had expected of herself to naturally deliver, breast feed etc

Expectations u have paint u a different set of picture, and bring u away from reality.

She spoke also about
keeping the purity of a child.

And I said, how?

The answer she smiled: to b a child. B a child yourself n b yourself.


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