Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s Fully Being Retreat 23-25 Nov 2019

So many precious teachings shared by Tsoknyi Rinpoche in the last few days.

  1. Respect complexity with simplicity at heart

Find unconditional happiness that is simple, With that simplicity we engage world, so you actually observe the dance between simplicity and complexity.

2. Recognize our innate birth right human qualities 

With mindful awareness to nurture fully then we can be fully be/being.

We are faced with human nature n human conditions, the latter we can transform to nurture our beautiful human nature.

3. Blockages

See the blockages? Don’t need to feel bad we all have blockages 

We have so many beautiful qualities that we r not nurturing nourishing because difficult human conditions leave imprints on us, these imprints are healthy and unhealthy. 

Through awareness of feelings we can know them better:

Are these imprints in our feeling world or thinking mind? 

Human nature is beautiful n has a lot of quality, awakening enlightened quality. But humans need to live in conditions – like society education upbringing. Human conditions is like stock market that goes up n downs n leave imprints.

Unhealthy imprints we transform. We transform together. 

How do we know imprints is healthy or unhealthy?

Eg fear has healthy and unhealthy fear

Every learning is imprint, there are learned habitual patterns n karmic imprints. 

Identify healthy fear and unhealthy fear ?

Do you see we have this ability – oh this is my imprint oh is this fact 

Can you differentiate that?

Yes you have ability but r u practicing that? 

We have ability but most of time we don’t practice- why don’t we see what is missing?

We need to practice! We need awareness, Need Conscious awareness !

4. Imprints in the subtle body 

Ups n downs of human conditions give imprints, imprints gives us problems in life n we see things distorted 

So we need to Transform our distorted glass to see the fact

See through. Then, Love comes without external reasons because u see truth n power of truth. Then there is  Joy n openness, awareness n stillness, inner peace simplicity. 

Transform distorted unhealthy imprints, because even if you don’t know, they r changing your life!

Be well inwardly, Become a small hero be internally healthy

Subtle body practices is v impt  in this age. You have a right to feel well —-it’s called birthright 

When outside go up n down and u still feel well

It’s balance of subtle body- nadi bindu prana

So feel ok naturally internally , that’s Inner wealth, Inner well being, Inner strength. 

Reconnect rejuvenate you inner body subtle health




Problem is not knowing but something else is blocking. Many years ago we don’t know so we make mistakes. But now we know but cannot practice—-because Something else is blocking

We must be aware of blockages n transform that so we can have better life

It’s not about logical facts it’s abt smtg else, this smtg else is happening blocking you.

Circumstance sin life (like bridge) triggered u, so you already have smtg else inside you. Why did the circumstance (bridge) trigger not another but trigger me? Do u blame the circumstance (bridge)?

We r all human but have different conditions. 

Scan yourself internally 

Realize you have this imprint – such as fear of height that you have but another don’t have

Because Human conditions differ 

Imprint is chop not healed , like wounds or beautiful monsters

Like cause, Imprint triggered and activated and goes one more time

Now practice and meditation n mindful awareness comes!

We need this experience ! If not how to transform our imprint?

At first we can’t control but slowly with practice we can heal n slowly heal n get lesser

After activation normally we react to it we believe it

Thru practice n meditation n awareness, instead of joining them u find some other place to be

It’s just leftover residue 

Not the situation not actual fact

Keep training that way 

Try not reacting

When we not reacting we will not reinforce

Why imprint start to transform?

Because we not reinforcing

Why we r lot reinforcing 

Because we not reacting not feeding it

How not to react – aware of it feel it

Noticing it

Cultivate some other goodness

Then the distorted condition will open up 

Even when u r sleepy u feel openness warm heart conscious mindful awareness 

Once I lose awareness U fall into unconsciousness n cannot liberate


Mind in a grounded body

Emotion is reaction

Stop thinking

Because Thinking will explain 

Mind always want to make conclusion to feeling

5. Practice

Just feel

Just aware of what you can be aware of

No thinking

Just noticing

Don’t push away

Pushing away is unkind

Any that arise let it b

If not don’t look for it


Event is gone 

You feel pain anxiety etc but it’s not true

It is real but not true

Welcome everything 

Practice this again n again

One day u will see v clearly human nature n human conditions 

6. Helping Another

If u want to help your difficult child don’t lecture feel the pain with him together

Stay there

They don’t want your solution

They know but cannot do it

7. Practice

Just drop into body

If u keep thinking the same u r not thinking new thoughts

Y do thoughts arise?

Every thought has a teabag imprint emotional teabag

To release the thought go back to teabag the emotional blockage aware of that thought feel that thought n communicate to that thought n release that understanding let it go nicely

Sometime U need to forgive n accept

Many ways to communicate 

8 . Can we change imprint ?

  1. Acknowledge emotion and learned habitual patterns. Acknowledge no need to scared- that imprint is not you – Buddha nature is u intelligent is u compassionate is you. It’s just part of me but not who I m . Who I m? I m emptiness luminosity you r Buddha nature 
  2. Transform
  3. Handshake practice- even if we know bridge is safe cognitive mind understand but what abt feeling ?feeling need to know what mind feels otherwise still split – need good connection between mind n feeling. Mind n feeling need to communicate come together and make friends to transform . Otherwise it’s just understanding not transforming 

Day 2 Prana or lung or Qi related teachings

Subtle body consists –





Is Source or cause Of Internal movements n external movements 

Drives thought emotion blood flow

When this lung is distorted many unhappy 

Lung moves thru channels with right speed all well

If too fast, creates certain feelings

When lung too slow or low,

Need balance 

Understanding lung v impt

Nature of lung is v fine

Almost invisible but impact great on our lives 

We can feel it’s impact on nadi we feel in our nerves

See effect of Qi or lung

Qi effects mind

Mind effects Qi

Almost together 

Qi rest in dantian 

Qi rises up because of worry a lot of external conditions 

Mind active Qi comes

Qi comes horse comes Qi down horse goes

Mind active with hope n fear

From childhood we disturb our lung

One day Qi lost its root n place n always stays up head n in different channels n cause different emotions esp restlessness anxious panic 

—— massage relax holidays

Qi is doing all the work

Qi creates things n keeps moving

Qi gets wrong habit of loving

Lung is not listening to mind anymore

There’s a way to calm down

Lung- symptom of it is disturb stillness keeps wanting to move 

Mind n Lung not cooperating

Used to listen to mind

Now it’s lung disorder 

When in lung disorder or distorted lung

Whole perception feels rushed

Speedy lung Shapes perception 

Feel head hot just keep moving mouth dry eyes hot 

Lung just keeps moving

Mind says smtg but feeling not like that

Problem when mind is subdued by lung n feels busy n restlessness 

So aware


Restlessness is not mind is the lung

Have to bring Qi down to develop stillness 

Bring Qi to home- redirect!

Vase breathing can help!

Upper belly

Lower belly 

There r 3 types of speed-


2.Subtle body

3.Cognitive mind speed

Mind fast is good coz u r alert n  understand quickly it should b like that 

but not fast in distorted way

Distorted Qi don’t want to stay one place for three hours

Qi influence thought

We get burnt out because we r beaten by this Qi

Qi says not this one but next one

Qi says The right one is the next one

No fully being

Find speed of physical body

Mind clear n alert

Lung peaceful 

So your body can do things quickly mind fast n alert but lung is low is calm n relaxed 

Calm has nothing to do with physical it’s energy 

Stress comes fr thought emotion n fast moving Qi

When Relax – release thought emotion 

Smile at Qi

Inner beauty 

Bring alignment 

Bindu is home of clarity, guts or courage, love, joy, Humour

When bindu not circulating properly, u feel fear uncertain foggy n can’t find any reason

Taken over by unhealthy distorted fear

2 kinds of love -essence love n expression love

We r caught up with expression love or conditional love ie because of smtg

Expression love kills essence love

If u follow this ( conditions) you will lose your love 

When bindu is moving properly thru u it feels like I m okay feel ok I want to give my okayness

Without this there’s a hollow empty feeling

When u have a hollow things hit uneasily

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So connect with essence love bindu

Without losing can practice expression love

Essence love is unconditional love

Wellbeing or feeling good Without reason

Conditional love will change because these external conditions expression love is based reliant on will change

Essence love – Without reason makes you attractive 

Feel clarity joy humour 

Talk to your blockage

When one doesn’t wake up for work, it is because one is discouraged n doesn’t see value in oneself 

Human conditions can change it’s not permanent 

Try to smile to the pain

Just smile

Don’t judge it

When u see the pain It means u r coming closer to the beautiful monster so lean on it 

hug it 

Pain has an end to it

After a while  it will open up n go away

It will exhaust 

Just wait 

Waiting is also kindness 

Say sorry – sorry u have to go thru this way

Communicate with pain

Thank you I have learnt from you 

Thank your beautiful monsters because I have learnt a lot from them

Day 3 Cultivate

Without subtle body practice can’t experience clarity as we r disturbed by imprints Qi imbalance lack of essence love 

Now I know what to cultivate

If u practice u have gd tools 

If u practice u can transform 

Everyday I put effort to cultivate 

Essence love gives u deep calm guts about who u really r

That as a ground to practice clarity

Look at our imprints 

Bring down lung into balance 

Connect with Essence love 

Cultivate bodhicitta


Imprints are leftover residue 

Triggered or activated by similar experience 

Liberate by being kind n talking to imprint n feelings

Can differentiate Voice from cognitive mind vs voice fr feeling world

Body needs to hear you talk to it

It’s an expression of love

Beautiful monsters are shaping our lives n we r reacting subconsciously 

With conscious practice we can change them

A lot of fun

Discover n understanding your loved ones 

Know that beautiful monster is but a residue 

Have awareness 

Persist n communicate with beautiful monster 

Bring Qi to balance 

Hollow is a a problem 

Sophisticated modern life creates a lot of hollow but if u connect w essence love hollow goes away n become small bodhisottva

Transmit to children 

N nourish their essence love

Help them to nourish 


Knowing thinking (mind ) awareness clarity 

Clarity is uniqueness of mind also called luminosity 

Healthy mind – clear,  thought free , nowness 

Keep calmness n alert- without sinking 

Open up our five senses 

Knowing everything ewww

Know but not grasping or fixated 

Shamatha without object or support

Free means fearless

Means no blockages

When close everything u r making war

2nd shamatha practice is with object

Intentionally u focus on flower 

Aware n knowing n b with flower

People moving smell etc all don’t disturb u

Gentle concentration 

In order to transform we have to repeat 

Dropping exercise

Just drop la

It’s the beginning of practice before handshake 

There r many Things we can drop but lack of mindfulness we keep holding in our being

So be aware n drop or with mindful awareness we let it go

Then relax

For strong emotions feel n slowly it opens up n heals

Some pockets of stress high lung drop 

Be carefree inside 

We have this capability but we forget so we dropping consciously as a practice but not from pressure 

Find freedom in your body


Just free be with that openness

Say nice words

Trigger goodness 

Bringing Qi home

  • awareness 
  • Breath 
  • Bindu connected with clarity love bliss courage humour when bindu goes thru u have these qualities n basis of healthy subtle body—-loving kindness —- bodhicitta ——— open heart 
  • we r aware of our mind n Clarity  

Practice 45 min evyday

  1. drop
  2. Take refuge – visualize Buddha or thousands of Buddhas in front of you
  3. Chant – May I be enlightened so that I can help myself and others
  4. Visualization with mantra- guanyin, Tara, ask for blessings for yourself for all light goes infinity while chanting . 1 Mala. 
  5. Buddha light infiltrate your being. Mingling your mind with Buddha 
  6. Meditation 
  7. Dedicate 

Handshake practice – as u need it

Please live healthy happy don’t fight in the family 

Not worth it

Life is more beautiful than fighting

While you are together love each other

Even if you can’t live don’t hurt

Things can change nothing is permanent 

Change wrong cause n conditions

Bring good cause n conditions 

Develop appreciation 

Lack of appreciation gives anxiety 

Happy with what I have – don’t forget the gd you have n keep looking 

Pls help your family

First step is help your family

Even if u love each other 

There r imprints so Release them n transform them

First, internal home should b healthy

Then external home

Dedicate your goodness your dharma

Keep the love even if some of your family r gone

Let them go n dedicate your goodness to them

They would like to see you happy