Alain Passard

I learned so many things speaking to Alain Passard. Or just listening to him. Like when his eyes twinkle and his body comes alive telling me about feeling creativity in the air.

You feel it with him. That is one most amazing interview I have been blessed enough to experience. Writing about it now makes my cells jump with joy. Its the best thing I can give to my body. Chefs, passion, feelings like these heal me.

Like when he tells me, he’s achieved all this with his hands and fingers and these are the most precious to him—How many things have we given thanks to ourselves? our body?

Like when he says, “: “The only thing left to do when you are afraid to take risks is nothing.” 
When I asked if it was too risky a move to take away dishes which won him stars.

Like when he tells me, 20 years later he is still trying to make sense of the decision he made 20 years ago. And this version above, he clapped for the interview he had. And said, this is the best interview he has had.

My story here: https://guide.michelin.com/sg/people/video-alain-passard-one-cook-two-lives/news