21 Jan

Dear baby

it is 21 Jan n we r visiting Dr Soon at 930am as arranged.

I didnt sleep well last night, maybe i was eager and a bit impatient, but i reminded myself to keep cool n not be too eager in the wait.


She mentioned an internal examination last week.

But I still harbour the thought that you will be natural and i welcome you to ease out of mommy with great safety, happiness and ease.


It is 11:14am
After lovely cedele breakfast


We went to c Gynae Soon
Mommy is 77.2kg n baby is 3.186kg
She did a checkup n found the cervix to have dilated to 3 cm

And she says: you can get changed n go to hospital!

But also, she mentioned natural is best so mommy decided to really wait for baby n the contractions to get stronger before I go to hospital

And ah mei yiyi knows me best.
She says, “and so u will go shopping n get some nice food right?”


And so here I m shopping at takashimaya , the Chinese New Year fair is on


O n ah mei yiyi say baby is now an Aquarius like qinzhi, not Capricorn , what a surprise !

About the Aquarius baby:
Aquarius is the sign that begins on January 21 and ends on February 18.

Your Aquarius child certainly marches to the beat of his own drum. This little one is quirky and will constantly surprise you with how creative and original he can be.

He is likely to be quite sociable and will make lots of friends easily. He’ll love having playmates that differ in background and culture to him.

Aquarius children are attracted to variety and new experiences. Your little Aquarius might like unusual foods that other children won’t even try, like hot peppers and strong cheeses. Or he might spend hours in his room, inventing something technical, functional and just all-around incredible!

Pursuing his own freedom and individuality is at the top of your little one’s priorities, so you should give him plenty of space. If Aquarius children aren’t allowed to express themselves, they can become rebellious or stubborn and even quietly depressed.

Let your child dress himself as soon as he can, and give him plenty of books, art supplies, and other bits and pieces to encourage his creativity. Aquarius children tend to be quite intelligent. They’re natural forward-thinkers and have a good understanding of the world, so your little one might grow up to be something of an excellent problem solver.

Your child may surprise you with his interests and life choices, but if you can stay open to the way his mind works, you’re likely to find he’s a genius in his own right. Aquarius children just need time to find the best way of expressing their brilliance.

O n mommy has duck rice for lunch


Baby, lets go natural!