15 Jan

Dear baby

No wonder they say, there’s a time for everything.

It is 15 Jan 🙂
N u r still snug n comfy inside me 🙂

We visited Dr Soon this morning n u r 3.1 kg whilst I m 76.3kg

According to Dr Soon, you r well, the water n placenta is all gd

I told her abt the contractions n pains I have from yesterday. They didn’t intensify n she said :”so these indicates u r well on your own pathway ”

“Have a good talk with the baby lo”
She smiled.

“And wait for the chemicals to work. Sometimes, it’s the connection between the mother’s brain n the baby’s brain , they will reach a critical mass to set off the chemicals…”

So she suggested we could wait n visit on next mon on 21 Jan before she gave me an internal examination.

Meanwhile, she said walks, sex, curry, raspberry tea could possibly work but it still depends v much on the individuals.

So me n daddy walked, from paragon to ion then to selegie n down to Bugis .

And we had a chance to buy 4d!
Daddy bought baby’s weight today n I bought the estimated delivery dates


Baby is giving us good time to walk n b together n to talk.

I told daddy, we haven’t walked like this for a long time ! We used to when we dated in the beginning!

And I suddenly realised, baby is teaching me 2 things:
1)that I m not in control, I don’t just wish things could happen n they will. There is a bigger force of control somewhere that we have to respect.

2)to respect another’s wishes
Baby’s in this case
He has a part in deciding when to come out.

After having these thoughts , I feel more at ease 🙂 n at peace

Then we went home n took qinzhi, yiyi n popo out to dinner


Afterwards, it’s supermarket time to get some fresh milk n tofu

we tasked qinzhi with buying fresh milk, yoghurt n coconut n got her to look for the stuffs herself, i think this is a great way of teaching kids!


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