14 Jan

Dear baby

Dr Soon calculated you will arrive today.
Will you?

Mommy had some pains yesterday that didn’t really last.

I was expecting u this morning but no, apparently u didn’t feel like it.

So I fed u soba for breakfast


We will c wats for lunch n dinner too!

In fact, I was supposed to c Dr Soon this morning , in fact now at 930am for an internal examination to c if the cervix has softened or dilated.

But daddy is at work so we will c her tomoro morning instead.

It is 8:19pm

I started to feel contractions : a hardening of the tummy which gets more intense in time, at 6:18pm n at 8pm

The hardening sucks your breath n makes u want to catch your breath. It makes u tired n a bit apprehensive of the next.

And there is a backache as well as a feeling of needing to clear the bowels

So I think baby is preparing me.

I will use awareness to guide me as much as I can.

I can feel the tugging feeling at the tummy n the whole mind feels boggled n heady
U walk with more care bcoz it feels floaty

But I m trying my best to b aware

I just hung the clothes

Qinzhi n daddy r playing balloons


This afternoon I had an urge to eat a cake n got daddy to buy

And here we r devouring a cedele red velvet cake


And I told amei yiyi to come n standby for the nite

She said ok n got me to eat so as to have strength

And here she is



Om ma ne pad me hum

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