The Old n The New


dear qinzhi

the year is drawing to a close, and the spirit feels lighter, i wish this feeling stays, it makes the everyday not so dense n hence merrier

there is no heavi-ness, maybe because we know a NEW is approaching, or that we have covered some distance in 2009, triumphed over our selves in time, big or small

its the state of mind i guess,the outer world is reflection of the inner. i just feel happy that i have the end of the yr to myself, to rest n relax n to shop or while time away…n to wait for the zara sale

i just sat watching tv yesterday n realised i have not been watching tv

n as i look back to 2009,as i have always in these points of time in the past, i feel i have accomplished something…i have qinzhi this year.

in the past, i would have asked myself, what did i do? what were some of the accomplishments? i wouldnt have an answer that would make my life different.

but this year, the answer to my question is qinzhi and that is enough to make me feel content.

: )

giving birth is a big achievement for me,upgrading me to a mother immediately. It gives me a chance to learn alot of things—-fr breastfeeding to knowing new emotions,from nurturing a new life to understanding abt it…it fulfills me…having gone thru it…i m fuller as a person

n as year end approaches, i have little things to bye away,things seemingly unimportant but very, in fact.

like this pair of paris miki specs bf bought for me after my purple one was washed away by the andaman sea some seven years bac.

i have worn this for abt 7yrs or so, in the twinkling of an eye…..it has brought me to important places,physically n mentally speaking.

it has been my eyes, i see the world and myself thru it

It cracked after my countless times of dropping n its time to say goodbye…but i just look at it and find it hard although i have a new pair,

the old is always better ..so i leave it on my table.

then there is my old wallet,

and a new kate spade one boy bought for my birthday

and there,the iphone i bought for sis and the one she bought for me,after having considered n reconsidered

and of course the Prada one qinzhi’s daddy bought for me on Xmas 2009

and a pair of shoes which have always been on my mind…

i guess having the new makes it easier to move on?

Bcoz in the new, some bits of the old is embodied. The continuation of life.

A sparkling 2010 ahead.