Your cells are listening

Was super maxed out the last week.

Then I began to listen to the state, to my body.

And I remember reading lines that went:”the body is self healing ”

And I began talking to myself and I did feel a difference.

I thought that if I were largely responsible for wrecking me, then equally I must be capable of finding a way out of this.

This story answered me.
























Francis Mallmann

Super inspired by Argentine chef Francis Mallmann, arguably the biggest food star in the Latin world.

Watched him on Netflix and twice over, Francis Mallmann is an expert at cooking with fire: over it, under it, in it and around it.


He says that to cook with fire, one must have a feminine side, to understand the fragility of the meats.

But above this mastery over fire, its his mastery over his life that is so awe inspiring.

He is unbounded by constraints of any sort. He is boundless, but because he has family, he is torn between the two. There is just one time in the documentary that he cannot himself, talking about his family, and perhaps is regretful or sorry, that he has chosen himself over his family.

But that’s mastery too.

Love all the quotes he gave in the documentary, so wise, so deep, so alluring.



In order to grow, you have to be there, at the edge of uncertainty.

All those things made me dream

That there was a free world somewhere

So my big draw in life since very young was freedom

The freedom of believing only in myself

And not letting myself being led by anybody

I wanted to be my own

I wanted to do whatever I wanted.

I m always cooking in the wild

My message is, Get out of chair , sofa , office . go out

When u cook with fire it’s like making love

It could be huge

You have to respect what you cook

There needs to b a festive feeling about the hard work we r doing

I was very stubborn about my freedom

There’s nothing more sad than an overcooked fish

They r v inspiring romantic

They made me breathe they make me tremble

They make me live

I seldom invite people to lunch or dinner

They are really chosen

I cant spend Time with people that I don’t enjoy

I can’t do it anymore  as theater

I make choices

And that’s the beautiful thing about growing up

Learning to say no

In a nice way but you say no

I said the truth

Growing up has a bit to do with that

To be able to tell the truth

To show who you are

Even if it hurts

every person that works with you

You have to let him go at the best moment

When he and you are at the happiest moment

Then he and you think you are doing your best

They have to go

Because from  there on, there is only one way which is down

You are young you have a master you want to emulate him


At some point in life you have to turn around

And say I have to find my own way my language

Big prizes in life, they make you happy and sad

Because they make you question yourself

I said that was it

You have your little car

You have a place to sleep

And the dreams are dead

You don’t grow on a secure path

All of us should conquer something in life

It Needs a lot of work

It needs a lot of risk


3years 3months




皓皓用水笔在窗上画画,daddy说,那是因为皓皓坏蛋,原本画在plasma car上面。后来不好玩就画窗口。
















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皓皓说,traffic jam






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做了一点不一样的,比如下课后带皓皓去great world city午餐。


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Making bread

Had my first experience baking bread with Baker & Cook’s New Zealand founder Dean Brettschneider .

I wouldn’t say i love the experience, but it was new n it surely opened me up further and wider. 

And if that were the case, it has succeeded, because any experience should expand you, not narrow you further .
There were a few insights i gained making bread, and a few parts i particularly enjoyed.

Like kneading it, like mixing the flour and water into the dough. Feeling it. Feeling it come to life.

As if something in the heart has been translated into the dough. In the process.

And what about the insights ?

It would be, that bread is like a mirror, really. That reflects the qualities of the baker as a person.

However you are, the bread will be.

My bread didn’t rise as much as the others, and it was because in the kneading process, i was tough with it. I wasn’t gentle enough. I didn’t know how to love it.

I like a few things Dean said, like the dough is very delicate and you would have to be as gentle treating it, as if you were handling a baby.

And that you would have to put on your thinking caps, use your mind, your hands and your heart in the baking process, because you are dealing with natural things, pretty much like handling a 2yr old.

In the process of handling, he was gentle yet decisive. Those translated to a bread that would look really good and be really yums. The seemingly easy moves mattered through and through. The signature is in the details.

And I m sure people eating it would feel it.

My bread didnt rise as much because I knocked too much gas out of it. 

“And gas is precious”, Dean said.

That was foreign n I loved it.

It showed me that I knew little n that I had learnt more.

Dean tried to show me by gripping my hands, on my left, he used more pressure, and on my right, less. He was holding them the same, yet different.

And i knew immediately the difference.

I had been too tough on the bread and it couldn’t take it.

This sort of brought me to think if i was too hard on others and myself.

If the bread was another person, probably I would come across as being aggressive and strong.

It showed me an image of myself.

It enlightened me about how I could b gentler with myself.

With my grasp.

I learnt to b gentleness n malleability. And to b gentle  with the grasp in the process, it has to start on the mind or heart.

And how gently you treated it, how you treated it, it would return to you in the same measure, only later.

As in life, there would be an equal an opposite reaction.

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7years 2months







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周末去pasir ris,姐姐带沁芝去吃美人锅


















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The Voice of every working woman

“Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way”

It’s no easy feat juggling the roles of a parent and professional. And ICICI Bank’s CEO Chanda Kochhar is the perfect example of a woman who does both facets of her life justice.

Now included in Sudha Menon’s book Legacy: Letters from eminent parents to their daughters, Kochhar’s note to her daughter Aarti Kochhar has been doing rounds on the internet not just because it shares the surprisingly simple secrets to a successful and happy life, but also because it’s going to be the most inspiring thing you read today.

Dear Aarti,

It makes me feel so proud today to see you standing in front of me as a confident young woman right on the threshold of an exciting journey through life. I am looking forward to seeing you grow and flourish in the years ahead.

This moment has also brought back memories of my own journey, and the life lessons I learnt along the way. When I think of those times, I realize that most of these lessons were actually learnt in my childhood, mostly through examples set by my parents. The values that they instilled in my formative years gave me the foundation on which I try to live my life even today.

Our parents treated all three of us – two sisters and a brother – equally. When it came to education, or our future plans, there was no discrimination between us based on our gender. Your grandparents always had the same message for the three of us – that it was important to focus on what gave us satisfaction and to work towards it with utmost dedication. That early initiation enabled us to develop into confident individuals capable of taking decisions independently. This also helped me when I started out on my own journey of self- discovery.

I was only a young girl of 13 when my father passed away from a sudden heart attack, leaving us unprepared to take on life without him. We had been protected from life’s challenges so far. But without warning, all that changed overnight. And my mother, who had been a homemaker till then, faced the responsibility of raising three children all on her own. It was then that we realized how strong she was and how determined to do her duty in the best possible manner. Slowly, she discovered a flair for designing and textiles, found herself a job with a small firm, and quickly made herself indispensable to them. It must have been challenging for her to shoulder the responsibility of bringing up her family single-handed, but she never let us feel like it was a task for her. She worked hard till she saw all of us through college and we became independent. I never knew that my mother had such a wealth of self-assurance and belief within her.

As a parent with a full time job, one must not let work affect the way you relate to your family. Remember the time you were studying in the US and the announcement of my becoming MD and CEO of ICICI was splashed across all newspapers? I remember the mail you wrote to me a couple of days later. ‘You never made us realize that you had such a demanding, successful and stressful career. At home, you were just our mother,’ you wrote in your email. Live your life in the same way, my darling.

I also learnt from my mother that it is very important to have the ability to handle difficult situations and keep moving forward in life, no matter what. Even today I can remember the equanimity and calmness with which she handled the crisis on hand when my father passed away. You have to handle the challenges and emerge stronger from them, rather than allow them to bog you down. I remember how, in late 2008, we were faced with a situation where ICICI Bank’s survival was in jeopardy in the face of a global economic meltdown. The situation was being analysed with a hawk’s eye by major media platforms and debated widely in the public space… I got down to work, systematically communicating with all stakeholders – from the smallest depositor to the sophisticated investors, and from regulators to the government – the bank was sound and its exposure to these institutions involved a small portion of its assets.

I understood their concern because so many of them feared that their hard earned savings in our bank could be at risk. I also advised staff across the bank’s various branches to lend a sympathetic ear to those depositors who turned up to withdraw their money, telling them to also offer the depositors a seat and a glass of water while they waited. And though, depositors were welcome to withdraw their money if they wanted to, our staff also took care to explain to them that it would not help them to take their money away, because there was no real crisis situation.

It was during this period that I took a couple of hours off one day to attend your brother’s squash tournament. I did not know it then, but my very presence at the tournament went a long way in reinstalling customer confidence in the bank. A few mothers at the tournament came and asked me if I was Chanda Kochhar from ICICI Bank and when I replied in the affirmative they said that if I could still find time to attend a tournament in the midst of a crisis, it meant that the bank was in safe hands and they need not worry about their money!

It was also from my mother that I learnt the importance of adapting to circumstances and not being afraid of the unknown. While working hard for my career, I looked after my family, and have been there for my mother and in-laws when they needed me around. They reciprocated in kind with their unconditional love and support for my career. Remember that relationships are important and have to be nurtured and cherished. Also keep in mind that a relationship is a two way street, so be ready to give a relationship just as you would expect the other person to be giving to you.

My career would not have progressed the way it did were it not for your father who never once complained about the time I spent away from home. Your father and I nurtured our relationship despite the fact that we were both busy with our own careers, and I am confident you will do the same with your partner, when the time comes. If you had complained and whined about my extended absence from home, I would never have had the heart to make a career for myself. I am blessed with a great and supportive family and I really hope you too will be as fortunate when you set out on your own!

I remember the day your board exams were about to commence. I had taken leave from work so that I could take you to the examination hall myself. When you realized I was coming, you told me how you were used to going for your exams alone for so many years. It hurt me to hear you say that, but I also think in some ways, having a working mother made you much more independent from a very young age itself. You not only became independent, but also stepped into the nurturer’s role for your younger brother and never let him miss my presence. I learnt to have trust and faith in you and you have now grown into a wonderful, independent woman. I now use the same principle at work to make our growing population of younger talent take on larger responsibilities.

I believe in fate but I also believe that hard work and diligence plays a very important role in our lives. In a larger sense, we all write our own destiny. Take destiny in your own hands, dream of what you want to achieve, and write it in your own way. As you go ahead in life, I want you to climb the path to success one step at a time. Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.

As you go forward, you will sometimes have to take difficult decisions, decisions that others might scorn at. But you must have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Make sure you have that conviction to do what you know is right, and once you have it, don’t let skeptics distract you from your path.

Aarti, there is no limit to what a determined mind can achieve, but in achieving your goal, don’t compromise on the values of fair play and honesty. Don’t cut corners or compromise to achieve your dreams. Remember to be sensitive to the feelings of people around you. And remember, if you don’t allow stress to overtake you, it will never become an issue in your life.

Remember that good times and bad times will be part of your life equally, and you have to learn to handle both with equanimity. Make the most of life’s opportunities and learn from every opportunity, and challenge that life brings along.

Lovingly yours, Mumma
