Charon Lama Sherpa


Attending Rinpoche’s talk at Tara’s home made me once again feel blessed and privileged.

I saw the stupa and standing in front of it brought waves of emotions in my heart centre

And I teared



I could feel the energy coming out from the Buddha in the stupa and it was wonderful through n through,

And it was later that i realise, its this that i m feeling.

The #divinity in me #honors the divinity in you. So There was a sense of healing.

It wasn’t anything new I learnt at the talk but the points brought up surely reinforced things that were recently made known to me n made me think.

Words i heard today echoed what I learnt in my sessions with mr ng.

And I thought about the angel card I drew with the word “abundance”

It’s about cleaning out things that no longer work in life to make space for the now n the new.

It’s amazing how the universe echoes back reminders.

The topic for the afternoon was dealing with difficult people.


  1. And Rinpoche started talking about dealing with difficult people because of others’ difficult emotions.
  2. It’s difficult when emotions run high
  3. It’s difficult when emotions run up against ours, or simply me, my, I.
  4. He encouraged us to look deeply enough into our emotions, to find out what they are, why they r, how they r surfaced etc so as to better take care of them
  5. In other words, look at yourself. What the other person is doing is inviting you to look at your own emotions, look within. There is a problem because the problem is not in another person but in yourself
  6. Ability to cope with problems others create is within you
  7. A lot of times problems arise because you do not love yourself enough
  8. And when you block yourself
  9. Because in fact, you are strong enough to deal with your own emotions
  10. The concept of forgiveness might b important to revisit. You need more strength n courage to forgive. It is easier to not forgive than to forgive
  11. Once u forgive, your mind changes
  12. Regard it as a movie, don’t cling
  13. Don’t adopt a self cherishing view
  14. At the end of life, we get a glimpse of what is going to happen in the next life, and at that point, a lot of things we give great emphasis on in this life, they don’t matter.
  15. We blame others for the problems we have within ourselves
  16. Approach things with an open mind, a wider perspective
  17. Problems we meet r meant as an opportunity for us to surpass ourselves, the me, my I
  18. Search for the real place where the problems come from
  19. If you think hard, someone makes that action out of desperation and lack of choice
  20. The concept of spirituality is to take care of all the problems and working within
  21. It’s about freeing yourself. Not the other person
  22. Others don’t matter
  23. Forgiving others is the first step to forgiving n realizing yourself
  24. Love is not attachment
  25. Things that matter change thru out life. Why problems appear is because those problems matter to u. You apply mental energy and things come out to put into perspective for u
  26. Let go
  27. Life is a good opportunity to train and change your mind to become peaceful
  28. Life is what you make out of it. The stronger your mind, the better

At the end of it, Rinpoche presented us with a little Mala and mine was blue.


Presented it on the stupa for blessings before I made my way out.


About Charok Lama

Ven. Charok Lama Rinpoche

Charak Lama, Nawang Ridzin Gyatso Rinpoche, is the incarnation of Kusho Mangden, a highly respected Nyingmapa master from Solo Kumbu, Nepal. Kusho Mangden passed away in Jan 1992 and the incarnation was born 9 months later into a very poor family an hour’s walk from his previous life home.
At the age of two, taken in by the sister of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Anila Nawang Samden, Charak Lama moved to the nearby Lawudo Gompa, the home of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s previous life. At the age of four he moved to Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal to begin his life as a monk in the Gelug tradition. At the age of 10 he moved to Sera Je Monastery in South India and began his philosophy studies in earnest. Completing his first level of studies in the top 5 percentile of his class, Charak Lama was chosen in 2012 to participate in the prestigious Rig.chung ceremony. For four years running he has also been amongst a small group of top students selected from each class to attend the annual Jangwa or “winter debate” session of Ganden, Drepung and Sera Monastery monks.
Charak Lama possesses the rare and outstanding ability to extract the essence of his philosophical studies and apply it to the Western traditions of science and psychology. An avid reader and seeker of knowledge it is hard to find a topic he has not studied, on his own, alongside his rigorous monastic routine. Rinpoche converses in perfect Tibetan, Nepali, Sherpa and English and has every intention of mastering Chinese, German French and Spanish as well.

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