Learning to listen

Dear Qinzhi

i was at ZbBz’s anniversary event earlier on, but due to whatever reasons, i had a panic attack. i guess i got excited, then there were some nice souls who came n asked me how i was, there was one who said, why r u so tired….?

n it came up…

i must have not knowingly tried to bear with it, suppress it, push it down many times, until i was numb in the hands

i did not like the feeling,

one came up to me n said, u look tired, take a seat.

i wanted to leave, but i also wanted to stay, i told myself, a bit longer, a bit longer. then a thought juz came n said, juz go. so i told a colleague n left.

immediately after walking out, the pnic attack seemed to lessen considerably, the numbness left.

it was such a marked difference, it gave me an insight, that is, what i have learnt earlier----离开意味某种放下,放下了马上觉得舒服。

after a walk, i wanted to go back, i thought i had gotten better, why not go back? there was a toasting session that needed me to be around n all the big bosses in SPH were there. People would say, where is Pin Yen. And they would know i m no feeling well. And some might know i m not feeling well because of a panic attack.

i thought, should i go? should i?

my gut didnt want me to, my mind wanted me to.

i chose to listen to my gut. it was instinctive.

no reasons were needed, i juz listened.

at first, i felt lousy, why dont i stick on?juz bear it for a while more? i felt inferior.

but as i was writing a msg to daddy, i suddenly felt like crying.

listening to myself feels so good. in it is acknowledging one’s self. my gut wanted me to pay attention to my body because my body needed rest.

so i came home n bought myself a little dessert n starting writing to qinzhi.

n i felt good, so much better than silly me bearing it down there. and daddy said, enjoy your shower ba, more important than making your bosses happy.

dear qinzhi, i hope u learn to listen to urself as early as u can. learn to, and u will benefit more.







Joy is

waking up to find daddy v considerately  putting the iphone cable in my bag

it is visiting meidi ya with daddy and having a good meal with him

it is reading wise words n learning to understand n to apply

it is reading my own work again, reliving the experience n getting touched by it, then learning from it again

to be continued……